Research Interest

Electromagnetic response of atomic nuclei (for a general review click here)
Quark effective models of baryons
Partonic structure of hadrons
member of the team Pavia for the project   Integrated Infrastructure Initiative in Hadronic Physics (I3HP),  funded by European Community in the framework of the  FP6  programme, in the following activities:
-  Network N5  HadronicTh: Structure and Dynamics of Hadrons
-  Network N7  Transversity: exploring the unknown spin structure of the Nucleon  (local coordinator)
-  Joint Research Activity  JRA5   GPD: Generalized Parton Distributions
member of the working group  The Physics of  e+e- at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati  in the context of the definition of the  Road Map  for INFN in the next decade  2006-2016
member of the working group  Spin Physics at RHIC-II  in the context of the upgrade  RHIC-II Science Workshops   at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL - New York - USA)

For a more detailed description visit the curriculum page (with explicit link to the corresponding publication for each selected topic)

Teaching Activities



