
  • European Researcher Night 2024

    During the European Researcher's Night 2024 our group presented to the public the Quantum3 app, developed by the Game Design and Development Program at Michigan State University.   In this game you have to match and swap quarks to complete all the tasks and in the meantime learn all about baryons!   You can find information about the app here: Continue Reading
  • QCD Evolution Workshop in Pavia: a success

    The QCD Evolution workshop took place in Pavia from 27 to 31 May 2024. This was the 13th edition of the series.   The workshop gathered about 70 participants to discuss recent developments about the internal structure of the proton and the multidimensional distribution of quarks and gluons. The organizing committee was composed by Prof. Alessandro Bacchetta (chair, UniPv), Dr. Continue Reading
  • Chiara Bissolotti receives Maria Goeppert Mayer fellowship

    Chiara Bissolotti, former member of our group, has received the prestigious Maria Goeppert Mayer fellowhsip from Argonne National Laboratory, USA. From Argonne's news "Chiara Bissolotti is a postdoctoral researcher in Argonne’s High Energy Physics division. She received her Ph.D. in theoretical nuclear physics from the University of Pavia in 2021, focusing on the 3D momentum structure of the proton. Continue Reading
  • A month of talks!

    Our group took part in many workshops in the last mont. Particularly: Alessandro Bacchetta and Matteo Cerutti presented recent results of our group at 25th International Spin Symposium (SPIN2023) organized by Duke University ( Barbara Pasquini and Lorenzo Rossi gave respectively a plenary and a parallel talk at  16th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon Continue Reading
  • European Researcher Night: How to explain quarks with a game

    During the European Researcher's Night 2023 our group presented to the public the Quantum3 app, developed by the Game Design and Development Program at Michigan State University.   In this game you have to match and swap quarks to complete all the tasks and in the meantime learn all about baryons!   You can find information about the app here: Continue Reading
  • SarWors 2023 workshop near Cagliari

    All of our research group attended the "Sardinian Workshop on Spin and related issues" (, from 5 to 7 June 2023.  The workshop was one of the activities organized within the Strong 2020 EU project ( Barbara Pasquini, Matteo Cerutti, Simone Venturini and Lorenzo Rossi presented research results. Alessandro Bacchetta and Marco Radici were members of the Organizing Committee.
  • ProtoTaste project selected for funding

    The Italian Ministery of University and Research has recently published the list of projects selected for national funding. Our project "ProtoTaste - Tasting the flavor of the proton in its full dimensions" was among the winners. We were 28th in the ranking, out of 255 applications. The goal of the ProtoTaste project is to explore the distribution of the different Continue Reading
  • Group participation to QCD Evolution 2023

    Our group took part in the QCD Evolution workshop 2023 (, which took place in the campus of the Université Paris-Saclay in Orsay from May 22 until May 26, 2023. Lorenzo Rossi gave a presentation on recent results by our group and Alessandro Bacchetta led a round table. At the end of the workshop it was announced that the next Continue Reading
  • New post-doc position opening (Nov 2022)

    [updated on Nov 30, 2022 -- please check for updates of the FAQ] We announce the opening of a post-doc position (Assegno di Ricerca) at the Deparment of Physics of the University of Pavia. The research fellow will work in the group of hadronic physics of the Department of Physics of the University of Pavia and in collaboration with INFN, Continue Reading
  • European Researcher Night: QCD in your smartphone

    During the European Researcher's Night our group presented to the public the Quantum 3 app, developed by our colleague Huey-Wen Lin and the Game Design and Development Program at Michigan State University. The contribution of our group was to translate the app in Italian.       You can find information about the app here:
  • Transversity 2022 workshop: Thanks!

    The Transversity 2022 workshop was a success, with 84 participants (67 in person, 17 remote) and 72 talks. The Local Organizing Committee wishes to thank all the speakers, the participants, and the members of the International Advisory Committee. Special thanks also to Andrea Signori, who provided most of the funds to pay the workshop with his Marie Curie grant "SquHadron". Continue Reading
  • Exploration in 3D: from science to alpinism

    During the Transversity 2022 workshop on the structure of the proton, we organized an outreach event with a famous Italian mountaineer, Hervé Barmasse ( 25 maggio – La bellezza della scoperta, dalla scienza all’alpinismo
  • The “Transversity 2022” workshop in Pavia

    Originally foreseen in 2020, after the Covid-19 pandemic we finally managed to make Transversity 2022 a reality. For many of us it will be the first in-person meeting after two years. The workshop will take place at Collegio Borromeo from May 23rd to 27th, 2022. We are excited to welcome more than 60 in-person participants, mainly from Europe and the Continue Reading
  • Group participation to CPHI 2022 at Duke University

    After more than two years of no trips to the US, three members of the group managed to take part in person to the CPHI workshop at Duke University, NC, USA ( Andrea Signori and Francesco Celiberto presented a talk, Alessandro Bacchetta was one of the workshop organizers.
  • STRONG-2020 Public Lecture “The proton in 3D: unraveling the world within”

    On Oct 1st, 2021, Daria Sokhan (CEA Saclay) and Andrea Signori (UniPV and INFN) gave a lecture in the context of the Strong-2020 Public Lecture series. A recording is availabe on YouTube.
  • Alessandro Bacchetta in the winning team of the “Science Battle” competition

    L’Università di Pavia vince la prima competizione della EC2U Science Battle!
  • EIC project obtains CD-1 from US government

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has granted Critical Decision 1 (CD-1) for the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) (see Our research group is heavily involved in the development of the project and the definition of its physics case and we co-authored its "Yellow Report" (see Approval of CD-1 provides the authorization to begin the project execution phase, starting with Continue Reading
  • Seminar by Andrea Signori at the Department of Physics of Pavia

    Andrea Signori, Marie Curie Global Fellow in our group, presented his research activity in a seminar addressed to the Department of Physics of Pavia on May 10, 2021.
  • Chiara Bissolotti and Francesco G. Celiberto on YouTube

    Chiara and Francesco, interviewed by Alessandro, appear on the Strong 2020 YouTube channel
  • Yiannis Makris appears in INFN magazine “Asimmetrie”

    Yiannis Makris has been interviewed by "Asimmetrie," the magazine of INFN. To read the full interview, browse to
  • Barbara Pasquini elected Fellow in the American Physical Society

    Barbara Pasquini has been elected Fellow of the America Physical Society (see with the following motivation: "For important work developing and improving theoretical tools, including dispersion relations, light-front models, and Wigner distributions which increase the sensitivity of both low- and high-energy experiments such as Compton scattering and tomography, to the fundamental structure of hadrons." Prof.ssa Barbara Pasquini Unipv nominata Continue Reading
  • Electron-Ion Collider gets first approval by US government

    The US Department of Energy (DoE) approved Critical Decision-0 (“Approve Mission Need”) for the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) on December 19, 2019. Soon after, on January 9th, DoE announced the selection of Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, NY, as the site for EIC construction. Jefferson Lab in Newport News, Virginia, is expected to be a major partner in the project and Continue Reading
  • Prof. Paul Hoyer visits our group

    Prof. Paul Hoyer, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Physics of the University of Helsinki, is visiting our group from January to March, 2020. He will give a set of lectures within the PhD school on bound states, from QED to QCD.
  • Valerio Bertone receives Wu-Ki Tung award

    Valerio Bertone has been selected as recipient of the 2019 Wu-Ki Tung Award. This prize is awarded every year by the CTEQ collaboration to recognize outstanding contributions made by early-career physicists on experimental or theoretical research on Quantum Chromodynamics. Valerio earned the award "for innovative contributions to the precise determination of parton distribution and fragmentation functions, and for the development Continue Reading
  • Article on Le Scienze, August 2019

    Alessandro Bacchetta, Andrea Bressan, and Marco Radici published a brief article in the August 2019 issue of "Le Scienze" ( The contribution is included in a longer article by Abhay Deshpande and Rik Yoshida and describes the Italian involvement in the Electron-Ion Collider project.   Here is the text of the article (in Italian)   Italia all’avanguardia nell’Electron-Ion Collider Un Continue Reading
  • Christine Aidala wins Fulbright Award to our Department

    Professor Christine Aidala, Associate Professor at U. of Michigan ( has been awarded a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award to Italy for the academic year 2019-2020. Christine will work with our group to identify interesting physics to be carried out in the LHCb experiment at CERN, in particular in a future fixed-target mode. Christine will be in Pavia from 1 July Continue Reading
  • STRONG-2020 project funded

    The STRONG-2020 European project obtained a funding of about 10 millions euro for the next five years. Our group will coordinate the Work Package "TMD-neXt" (WP22 - JRA4). Below you can find a press release with some details about the project   STRONG-2020: the new European project at the forefront of strong interaction studies   The theoretical and experimental studies Continue Reading
  • Giuseppe Bozzi gives a talk at Collegio Universitario S. Caterina da Siena

    Giuseppe Bozzi gave a talk on 11/03/2019 at Collegio Universitario S. Caterina da Siena for a general audience. "VOID: a multidisciplinary excursion into the concept of void, and its evolution, in physics and art" Poster
  • Giuseppe Bozzi gives a talk for the Physics Department

    Giuseppe Bozzi gave a talk on the research activities of the group for the Department of Physics in Pavia.
  • Giuseppe Bozzi at the LHC Electroweak Working Group

    Giuseppe Bozzi gave a talk at the LHC Electroweak Working Group on December 12th at CERN. See the agenda here. The participation was sponsored by the 3DSPIN grant.
  • Group participation to INT Program INT-18-3

    Our group took part into the program "Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions," which took place at INT in Seattle from October 1 - November 16, 2018. See Barbara Pasquini gave a talk in the first week of the program. Alessandro Bacchetta convened the second week. Marco Radici gave two talks in the second and fourth week. Continue Reading
  • Valerio Bertone and Francesco G. Celiberto join the group

    Valerio Bertone and Francesco Giovanni Celiberto started working in our group from 1 Oct 2018. Valerio's position is financed by the 3DSPIN ERC grant. Francesco's position is financed by the 3DGLUE FARE grant (Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research).
  • Group participation to SPIN 2018

    Giuseppe Bozzi, Miguel Echevarria, Barbara Pasquini, Fulvio Piacenza, Marco Radici and Simone Rodini gave talks at the SPIN 2018 conference, that took place on September 10-14 in Ferrara, Italy (see the agenda). Their participation was sponsored by the 3DSPIN grant.
  • Andrea Signori in the JLab news

    Our collaborator Andrea Signori appeared in the JLab news as recipient of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship (MSCA) Global Fellowship
  • Miguel G. Echevarria starts a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship

    Miguel G. Echevarria, already a post-doc in our group, received a prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. He started working in this new position at INFN Pavia on Sep 1st, 2018.
  • Giuseppe Bozzi receives habilitation for Associate Professorship

    Giuseppe Bozzi receives the habilitation for Associate Professorship in Theoretical Physics Public results  
  • Giuseppe Bozzi at the LHC Electroweak Working Group

    Giuseppe Bozzi gave a talk at the LHC Electroweak Working Group on June 20th at CERN. See the agenda here. The participation was sponsored by the 3DSPIN grant.
  • Giuseppe Bozzi at the XXXth Rencontres de Blois

    Giuseppe Bozzi gave a talk at the XXXth Rencontres de Blois, that took place from June 3rd to June 8th in Blois, France. See the agenda here. The participation was sponsored by the 3DSPIN grant.
  • Group participation to QCD Evolution 2018

    Giuseppe Bozzi, Marco Radici, and Fulvio Piacenza gave talks at the 2018 QCD Evolution Workshop, that took place on May 20-24 in Santa Fe, NM, USA. See Their participation was sponsored by the 3DSPIN grant.
  • Cristian Pisano and Carlo Flore visit the group

    Two researchers from the University of Cagliari, Cristian Pisano and Carlo Flore, visited the group in the dates April 9 to 12 and May 7 to 11, respectively.  
  • Group participation to DIS 2018

    Marco Radici and Filippo Delcarro gave presentations to the 26th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Topics (DIS2018) in Kobe, Japan. See
  • New post-doc position opening (Mar 2018)

    [updated on Apr 12, 2018 -- please check for updates of the FAQ] The Department of Physics of the University of Pavia opens a post-doc position to work within the "3DSPIN" ERC Consolidator Grant led by prof. Alessandro Bacchetta. The candidate is expected to have (or be close to finish) a PhD in Physics and to have a background in Continue Reading
  • Fragmentation Functions 2018: a “workshop” with much “work”

    The workshop Fragmentation Functions 2018 ( took place in Stresa from 19 to 22 February 2018. It was organized by our group together with Daniel Boer (U. Groningen) and Gunar Schnell (Basque University) and largely supported by the 3DSPIN project. The workshop had 21 participants from all over the world. In the three full days of the workshop, there had Continue Reading
  • Group participation to Transversity 2017

    Five members of the group took part to the "Transversity 2017" 11 – 15 December, 2017 , organized by INFN at the Frascati National Laboratories.( Alessandro Bacchetta, Marco Radici, Cristian Pisano, Filippo Delcarro and Fulvio Piacenza attended the conference. Radici, Pisano and Delcarro were invited to give talks during the sessions.
  • Aurore Courtoy visits the group with CICOPS support

    Aurore Courtoy is spending a month (Nov 11th - Dec 10th, 2017) working with our group, after she has been granted a scholarship by the University of Pavia Committee for International Cooperation (CICOPS). Aurore worked in Pavia in 2009-2011 as a recipient of the INFN Fellowship for Foreigners. She currently holds a tenure-track position at the Physics Institute of the Continue Reading
  • Pieter Taels starts working in our group

    Pieter Taels started working in our group from 2 Nov 2017. His post-doc position is financed by the 3DSPIN grant.
  • New post-doc position opening (Oct 2017)

    [updated on Nov 27, 2017 -- please check for updates of the FAQ] The Department of Physics of the University of Pavia opens a post-doc position to work within the "3DSPIN" ERC Consolidator Grant led by prof. Alessandro Bacchetta. The candidate is expected to have (or be close to finish) a PhD in Physics and to have a background in Continue Reading
  • Group participation at INT Program INT–17–3

    Five members of the group took part into the INT Program INT–17–3 "Spatial and Momentum Tomography of Hadrons and Nuclei," August 28 – September 29, 2017 ( Barbara Pasquini was one of the organizers of the program. Alessandro Bacchetta, Giuseppe Bozzi, Cristian Pisano, and Marco Radici attended part of the program and gave talks.  
  • Miguel G. Echevarria starts working in our group

    Miguel G. Echevarria started working in our group from 1 Sep 2017. His post-doc position is financed by the 3DSPIN grant.
  • Group participation to EIC User Group Meeting 2017

    Four members of our group attended the Electron Ion Collider User Group Meeting ( in Trieste, Italy, from 18 to 22 July 2017. Alessandro Bacchetta gave a plenary talk. Barbara Pasquini convened one of the parallel sessions. Cristian Pisano gave two talks. Their participation was supported by 3DSPIN The Electron Ion Collider (EIC) is a proposed facility to study hadron Continue Reading
  • Fulvio Piacenza on a “study tour”

    Fulvio Piacenza, PhD student, is traveling to the US to attend the 32nd Annual Hampton University Graduate Studies Program (HUGS 2017) at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia, from May 30 - June 16, 2017 ( After that, he will attend the TMD Collaboration School at Temple University, Philadelphia, from June 22 to  28, 2017 (
  • Prof. Alexei Prokudin visits the group

    Prof. Alexei Prokudin (University of Penn State Berks, USA) will visit the group from June 2nd to June 22nd to collaborate with us on a common scientific project. Alexei is a world expert on Transverse Momentum Distributions, which are the central object of study of the 3DSPIN project. He earned his Ph.D. at the Institute for High Energy Physics in Continue Reading
  • Matthias Schindler visits the group

    Prof. Matthias Schindler (University of South Carolina) visited the group from May 29th to May 31st. He gave a series of lectures on Chiral Perturbation Theory in the context of the PhD course on Strong Interactions.
  • Cristian Pisano at QCD Evolution 2017

    Cristian Pisano gave a talk at the QCD Evolution 2017 workshop ( taking place at Jefferson Lab from May 22nd to 26th, 2017. His participation was supported by 3DSPIN.
  • 3DSPIN on YouTube

    The University of Pavia dedicated a series of videos to ERC grant holders. In this video, Alessandro Bacchetta gives a short and simple presentation of  3DSPIN.
  • 3DSPIN at ERC celebration in Pavia

    The University of Pavia organized a public engagement event "Let’s Meet ERC Grant Holders @Unipv" ( in the occasion of the ERC 10th anniversary. Alessandro Bacchetta and other ERC grant holders shared their experience with the audience.
  • Maarten Buffing visits the group

    Dr. Maarten Buffing (DESY, Hamburg) visited our group from May 2nd to 5th, 2017. He gave two seminars on gauge links and TMDs. His visit was supported by 3DSPIN.
  • Giuseppe Bozzi at IWHSS 2017

    Giuseppe Bozzi participated at the XIV International Workshop on Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy, held in Cortona from April 2nd to April 5th in Cortona, Italy. The participation was sponsored by the 3DSPIN grant.
  • Hadronic Physics at Collegio Borromeo

    Alessandro Bacchetta gave an outreach talk describing Hadronic Physics to the students of Collegio Borromeo.
  • Group participation to Proton Mass workshop

    Barbara Pasquini was among the organizers of the workshop: "The Proton Mass: At the Heart of Most Visible Matter" (, held at the ECT*, Trento, Italy. Luca Mantovani and Fulvio Piacenza attended the workshop, supported by 3DSPIN.
  • Group participation to DIS2017

    Alessandro Bacchetta gave a plenary talk at DIS2017 ( in Birmingham, UK. Marco Radici and Cristian Pisano gave talks in the WG6 parallel session. Important results of 3DSPIN were presented (see  
  • Group participation to PDFLattice 2017

    Alessandro Bacchetta and Giuseppe Bozzi took part in the PDFLattice 2017 workshop ( in Oxford, where interesting connections between PDF extractions and lattice calculations were discussed.  The results published in were presented. The participation was supported by 3DSPIN.
  • Alessandro Bacchetta gives two invited talks at APS meetings

    Alessandro Bacchetta was invited to give a talk at the APS April Meeting 2017 ( in Washington, DC, and a few days later at the meeting of the APS Topical Group of Hadronic Physics ( His participation was supported by 3DSPIN.
  • Group participation to “3D Parton Distributions: path to the LHC” in Frascati

    Alessandro Bacchetta, Marco Radici, and Cristian Pisano gave talks at the workshop "3D Parton Distributions: path to the LHC" in Frascati. See
  • Group participation to “3D Parton Distributions: path to the LHC” in Frascati

    Alessandro Bacchetta, Marco Radici, and Cristian Pisano gave talks at the workshop "3D Parton Distributions: path to the LHC" in Frascati. See
  • New post-doc position opening

    [updated on Nov 29, 2016] The INFN Section of Pavia opens a post-doc position to work within the "3DSPIN" ERC Consolidator Grant  led by prof. Alessandro Bacchetta. The candidate is expected to have a PhD in Physics and to have a background in QCD and phenomenology of hadronic physics. Deadline for application: 4 Dec 2016 Duration: 2 years Salary: € Continue Reading
  • Cristian Pisano gives a talk at POETIC 2016

    Cristian Pisano gave a talk at the Joint CTEQ Meeting and POETIC 7 (7th International Conference on Physics Opportunities at an ElecTron-Ion-Collider), 14-18 November 2016, Temple University (USA):  His participation was supported by 3DSPIN.
  • Cristian Pisano gives a talk at REF 2016

    Cristian Pisano gave a talk at the Workshop on Resummation, Evolution, Factorization (REF 2016), 7-10 November 2016, Antwerp (Belgium): His participation was partly supported by 3DSPIN.
  • Cédric Lorcé visits the group

    Prof. Cédric Lorcé (Ecole Polytechnique Paris) visited the group in the days  from 18 to 28 September 2016. His visit was supported by INFN.
  • Matthias Burkardt visits the group

    Prof. Matthias Burkardt (New Mexico State University) visited the group in the week  from 12 to 16 September 2016. His visit was supported by INFN.
  • Luca Mantovani at Light Cone 2016

    Luca Mantovani gave a talk at the Light Cone 2016 conference in Lisbon. See the website His participation was partially supported by 3DSPIN.
  • Group participation to Photonuclear Reactions Gordon Conference

    Barbara Pasquini, Alessandro Bacchetta, Xiaonu Xiong attended the Photonuclear Reaction Gordon Research Conference in Holderness, NH, USA. See the website Barbara was vice-chair of the conference. Alessandro was Discussion Leader of a session on "Parton Structure of Nucleons and Nuclei." Their participation was supported by 3DSPIN.
  • Group participation to QCD-N’16 Workshop in Bilbao

    The Pavia HasQCD group contributed to the success of the QCD-N'16 Workshop in Bilbao: Marco Radici and Cristian Pisano as speakers, Barbara Pasquini and Alessandro Bacchetta as members of the International Program Committee. 3DSPIN sponsored the workshop and the participation of Cristian, Barbara and Alessandro. See
  • Barbara Pasquini gives a talk at QCD@Work 2016

    Barbara Pasquini gives an invited talk at the workshop "QCD@Work 2016 - International Workshop on QCD Theory and Experiment" in Martina Franca, Italy. See website:
  • Marco Radici gives talk at Jefferson Lab

    Friday, June 24th, in the CEBAF auditorium of Jefferson Lab Marco Radici gives the Physics Seminar "Imaging the Proton in Momentum Space"
  • Group participation to workshop “QCD Evolution 2016”

    Alessandro Bacchetta, Marco Radici, and Cristian Pisano give presentations  "QCD Evolution 2016" in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 30th - June 3rd 2016. See the website The participation to the workshop is supported by 3DSPIN.
  • Dr. Vaihbav Rawoot visits the group

    Dr. Vaibhav Rawoot, Institute of Mathematical Sciences of Chennai, India, visits the group from Jun 6th to Jun 10th, giving a talk on gluon Sivers function.
  • Barbara Pasquini visits the Mainz Physics Department

    Barbara Pasquini was hosted by the University of Mainz Physics Department from May 30th to June 4th, to discuss the latest developments in the dispersion calculation of two-photon exchange corrections in the real Compton scattering experiments.
  • Carl Carlson visits the group and gives a PhD Colloquium

    On Thursday May 19th Prof. Carl Carlson, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, USA, gave a PhD Colloquium on the problem of the measurement of the proton radius.
  • Harut Avakian visits the group

    Harut Avakian from Jefferson Laboratory visited our group from Apr 6 to 8.
  • Group participation into the workshop “Parton transverse momentum distributions at large x: a window into parton dynamics in nucleon structure within QCD”

    Marco Radici, Luca Mantovani, Cristian Pisano, and Alessandro Bacchetta give presentations at the workshop "Parton transverse momentum distributions at large x: a window into parton dynamics in nucleon structure within QCD" at ECT*, Trento, Italy, from Apr 11 to 15. See website: The participation to the workshop is partially supported by 3DSPIN.
  • Pieter Taels (U. Antwerp) visits the group

    Pieter Taels, PhD student (supervisor: I. Cherednikov) from the University of Antwerp, Belgium, is visiting our group for two days (Feb. 25-26) to collaborate with Cristian Pisano.
  • Workshop “Emerging Spin and Transverse Momentum Effects in pp and p+A Collisions”

    Alessandro Bacchetta, Cristian Pisano, Marco Radici give invited talks at the workshop "Emerging Spin and Transverse Momentum Effects in pp and p+A Collisions" at BNL. See website: Their participation is supported by 3DSPIN.
  • Cristian Pisano starts as a new post-doc in the group

    Cristian Pisano joined our research group on February 1st, 2016. Cristian has a strong experience in Hadronic Physics. He has worked in Dortmund, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Cagliari and Antwerpen. His position is paid by the 3DSPIN project.
  • International workshop “HEP in the LHC era,” Chile

    Alessandro Bacchetta gives an invited plenary talk at the VI International Workshop on High Energy Physics in the LHC Era, January 6-12, 2016, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaiso, Chile. See the website The participation is supported by the 3DSPIN project.
  • Electron Ion Collider User Group Meeting

    Marco Radici is representing our group at the EIC User Group Meeting, UC Berkeley, January 6-9, 2016. See the website The participation is supported by 3DSPIN.
  • The Electron Ion Collider in the news

    This nice article describes the perspectives for an EIC collider
  • 3DSPIN presented to the public at European Researchers Night

    On Friday Sep 25th Alessandro Bacchetta gave a ten-minutes presentation about the 3DSPIN project at the TED4ERC event in Pavia. The event was part of a week-long series of initiatives to promote the importance or research to the large public, in the context of the European Night of Researchers.
  • Light Cone 2015 Conference – Frascati

    Barbara Pasquini is conference chair of the Light Cone 2015 international conference from Sep 21 to Sep 25 in Frascati. Alessandro Bacchetta, Luca Mantovani, Xiaonu Xiong will present talks. See the program at The participation is supported by the 3DSPIN project.
  • Hadron 2015 – Newport News

    Marco Radici gives an invited plenary talk at the XVI International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, September 13-18, 2015, Marriott at City Center, Newport News, VA. See the website The participation is supported by the 3DSPIN project.
  • POETIC IV – Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

    Barbara Pasquini will give a talk at the 6th edition of the International Conference on the "Physics Opportunities at an ElecTron-Ion Collider", taking place at Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau, France from Monday, September 7th to Friday, September 11th 2015. The participation is supported by the 3DSPIN project.
  • TMDe2015 – Trieste

    3DSPIN supports the TMDe2015 workshop, 2-4 September 2015, Trieste, Italy. See the website Barbara Pasquini is member of the organizing committee. Alessandro Bacchetta and Marco Radici are conveners. Marco Radici will give a talk.
  • Post-doc position opening

    Deadline for application: 3 Sep 2015 Salary: around 2000 €/month after taxes. Expected start: Jan 2016 Web page of the call: here Official call: here (English version in the last pages). Application form: here. Contact for further information: Notes: the application must be submitted by regular registered mail (or by Italian certified e-mail) reference letters must be either included Continue Reading
  • EuNPC 2015 – Groningen, Nederland

    Alessandro Bacchetta is member of the International Advisory Committee of the third European Nuclear Physics Conference. The conference takes place from 31 August – September 4, 2015, in Groningen, The Netherlands. See
  • 2015/04/17

    1,5 milioni di euro per mappare il nucleo atomico in 3D Grazie a un ERC Consolidator Grant a Pavia si studierà un nuovo metodo per validare la cromodinamica quantistica CRONACA – 1,5 milioni di euro per studiare come stanno insieme quark e gluoni nel nucleo atomico e mapparne la distribuzione. Si tratta di uno dei prestigiosi ERC Consolidator Grants, che Continue Reading
  • ERC Press release 12 March 2015

    ERC Consolidator Grants: 372 top researchers funded with €713 million to pursue their best ideas The European Research Council (ERC) is today announcing the 372 winners of its second Consolidator Grant competition. These excellent mid-career scientists are awarded a total of €713 million, as part of the European Union Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020. Grants are worth up to Continue Reading
  • PAVIA ITALIA edizione del 12 03 2015

    TELE PAVIA "PAVIA ITALIA" edizione del 12 03 2015 Vedi il filmato
  • 2015/04/03

    I protoni in 3D italiani ottengono 1,5 milioni di euro Un progetto coordinato da Alessandro Bacchetta dell'Università di Pavia si è aggiudicato il finanziamento del Consiglio Europeo della Ricerca "MAPPARE il protone in 3D è un po' come passare dal cartone animato 'La linea' degli Anni 80 ai cartoni animati in 3D del giorno d'oggi. È un livello totalmente diverso Continue Reading

    ECCO I 16 “CERVELLI” ITALIANI PREMIATI DALL’EUROPA Si chiama “Consolidator Grant” ed è un progetto europeo che distribuisce borse di studio ai ricercatori che si sono segnalati nella Ue per risultati ottenuti, in tutti i settori, per qualità e quantità dell’impegno. In Italia i “cervelli” che hanno primeggiato in questa prestigiosa graduatoria, ovviamente, non se li fila nessuno, tantomeno Renzi, Continue Reading